I can barely believe that Camylle is already 3 years old! I know she's growing into quite the little girl but in my eyes I still see my precious little baby! In these short 3 years Camylle has already been on so many fun adventures and has traveled through a long list of states! Born in beautiful Alaska, spent her first 1 1/2 years in desert dry Texas, then enjoyed the next 10 months of life on the beach in Florida and has now made her 3 year mile marker in the swampy state of Louisiana!
She is constantly amazing us with how smart she is and what she is capable of accomplishing! She knows her ABCs, can count to 10, knows her shapes and colors, concepts like: under, behind, inside out and so many more, is potty trained, dresses herself, and brushes her hair by herself! Her sentences keep getting more complex and keeps us laughing with all the funny things she says! She's super outgoing and friendly and thinks everyone is her friend....like even the little boy who stands in front of us at the check out line, "Mommy look I found my friend!". She is a little wild child who loves to sing and dance and has an imagination that goes on for miles!
Camylle was so excited about her birthday party this year! The theme of her party was Bubble Guppies. For those of you that don't know about Bubble Guppies, it's a show about these little mermaid friends that go to school together and have fun adventures while learning and signing. Camylle invited all her church friends and little EOD friends to her party :). We got a big inflatable jump slip-n-slide for the kids and they played on it the whole time! Which was a good thing, being that it was over 100 degrees out with humidity!
Birthday girl in her new swim suit from her Auntie Hay Hay! |
Bubble Guppie party shirt :) |
Homemade funfetti birthday cake! Camylle picked the blue frosting :). |
Party hats and blowers! |
Party favor bags with Camylle's fishy handprint! |
Party favors: goldfish, lollipop, pencil, shaker and BUBBLES! |
Cupcakes! |
"Mommy when do my friends get here!?"... |
Your friends will be here in a couple minutes, "YAY!!!!" |
Molly and Grant being little party animals ;)! |
The glorious Slip-n-slide! |
Time for presents! |

Molly was trying her best to stay awake! |
Blowing out her 3 year candle! |
Sweet little Andy |
Filling up water balloons! |
More water fun! |

Tyler, Ryder, Johane, Tiaan and Camylle! |
Beautiful little Johane! |
Laurabelle, Camylle and Lexi |
Thank you to everyone that came out for Camylle's birthday party! And thank you Lizzie for sharing the pictures you took! She had such a wonderful time playing with her friends and was so excited about all her new gifts!!!
Camylle has a lot in store for this next year of life! She will be starting preschool this year at our church! She is so beyond excited about it! She talks about going to school pretty much everyday and keeps asking when she gets to go. Soon...but not soon enough ;)! She will be going to school 3 days a week. She just loved going to Wee School last year and learned so much, so I can't wait to see what all she learns this year! We have such a smart little cookie!
She will be going to dance class this year too! Her favorite show to watch with Mommy is "So You Think You Can Dance" and it's just so adorable to watch it with her because she dances all around the room just like the dancers on tv! I don't think she really knows what she's in for yet but I know after her first class, she'll be totally hooked! She is in a mixed dance class where they will be learning a little tap, jazz and ballet. Now keep in mind, we are in southern big hair and make-up country so I'm sure she will be looking like a little toddler pageant queen the day of her big performance! I can't wait to see her up on the stage! I know she's going to be a natural and take after her Uncle David, Aunt Esther and Tia Aleah (my little brother and sisters, who are all sooo talented at dancing)!!
Camylle will also be going to Awana's, Sunday night at church! I am so happy that she will be a part of it this year, as I know she will learn more about Jesus, scripture and friendships! She will be a Cubbie this year, which is just adorable! Last year she was a Puggle and I just loved putting her in her little puggles shirt and she loved going to Awanas!
This next year of life will be full of fun activities and learning! Here's to another sweet year of life to my adventurous little diva! We love you Camylle!
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