Monday, February 15, 2010

First Baby News :)

We found out that we were going to be having a baby at the beginning of December 2009. We were so excited and couldn't wait to tell our family the good news. We decided to wait to tell our families till the next week, after our first doctor's appointment. Our first appointment went well, with information about when our due date was going to be and a good review on Krista's blood work. The baby's due date is August 6th, 2010! What a beautiful day to have a baby :)!!

The timing of the birth couldn't have been more perfect. We were debating to either start a family this year or next year and decided on this year because it would be the last year we would be living in the same town with Krista's family. We don't know where the Army will have us in the future so we figured this was a good opportunity to have Krista's family present for the entire pregnancy and birth.

Our summer will fly by with 4th of July, Krista's birthday, packing for the move and having Forrest's mom come early. We are hoping that the baby is right on time. We will be moving around the 1st of September and it would be nice to settle into parenthood for a few weeks before the move. Overall we are overjoyed that we will be having a new addition to our family soon and can't wait for August!