Hello!!! Finally after a few months of cyber hibernation, I am finally online to give updates on our life! Naturally, the first thing to gush all about is our sweet little Molly! My heart seriously melts every time I look at her! Here's the story of birth and first month of life, enjoy!
June 1st, 2013:
I kept waking up through the night, feeling contractions come and go but it wasn't too consistent so I tried to sleep while I could. At 6am, I finally woke up cause I just couldn't sleep anymore! I started timing contractions and they were about 20 mins apart. So I decided to get myself ready, pack and prepare myself. I knew she was coming soon! At 8am, my contractions were about 10 mins apart but I wasn't going anywhere yet because the Orkin guy was schedule to come to the house, ha! I had to make sure the bugs were under control before our little bumpkin came home! I'm sure the Orkin guy was confused about why I kept excusing myself every 10 mins! If only he knew!
Everyone in the house started to wake up and I tried telling my Mom and Forrest that I really felt like the baby was coming soon! They both thought that there was no way she was coming so soon. Forrest proceeded to ask if he could get tomatos from the Farmers Market and my mom was wondering what shirt she should wear! About 30 mins later my contractions jumped to 5 mins apart and then they started taking me seriously! It's baby time! So we all hustled to get the in the car and started the 30 MINS drive to post! Let me tell you you....sitting in the car on a bumpy Louisiana back road with contractions 3 mins apart is not exactly the most comfortable way to go though labor! But I can't complain too much because I didn't have back labor this time around, thank you Jesus!
So, 30 ish mins later, with my hand pressing up against the window, eyes closed and my leg up on the dash, we finally made it to the front gate of post. "Excuse me Sir, is she ok?"...Forrest replies all stressed out "SHE'S IN LABOR!". Hahaha it's pretty funny now that I think about it! The front gate people didn't even bother to check our IDs and instead just waved us on! We got the the hospital and Forrest ran inside to get me a wheelchair. The contractions were now about 1 min apart and having contractions out in the blazing humid heat is terrible! Man alive, it's hot in Louisiana! Anyways, Forrest wheeled me inside and once we got to the lobby, I had to stand up! So I stood up, leaned over the couch to get through the contraction and the WHOLE couch started tipping over! Luckily Forrest was right there to catch me, haha! I refused to get back in the wheelchair cause it was too painful to sit, so i kicked off my sandals (those suckers were hot too) and scurried up to labor and delivery.
Ok, this next part will go by really quick! I checked in at 12:48 pm, they took me in the exam room to get a urine sample (which felt like was going to be impossible), then she got me up on the bed, checked me and told me I was 9.5 centimeters and that the baby was coming!!! I stood up to breath through a contraction and then my water broke all over the floor (jeesh!). They told me to lay on the bed, which I then started to tell them there was no way I was going to be able to lay down and have this baby and that I wanted to stand up and have her....which they told me I couldn't do. So then I firmly said again (and by firmly I mean, crazy prego all up in yo face "oh no, you didn't" voice) that there is NO way I can lay down! So we compromised. I got on the bed, squatted backwards, mooned the staff and threw shame out the window! Yeppp that happened!
All I remembered was, gripping the side of the bed and looking at Forrest. He was ghost white and in shock and looked like HE was about to have the baby! I told him to run and get the camera (which I had him run back again cause it had the wrong lens on it...my crazy pregnant photography brain!). I hear the nurse yell "GET THE DOCTOR!!!!". Then I started yelling that the baby was coming and then about 4 pushes later she was born!!!! Bam! Time of birth, 1:04pm.
So from check-in to birth, it was only 16 MINS!!! Hallelujah, for quick births! I couldn't believe she came so fast and that I delivered in the tiny exam room! And yes you are right, I did it with zero drugs, all natural baby! I always wanted to do it natural with Camylle but after being stuck at 9.5 centimeters for 8 hrs, with back labor, I just couldn't handle anymore and got the epidural. This time around was so different, which I kept hearing that it's so much different with your second one and my experience proved for that to be true. Now if you're curious, natural birth is painful (obviously) but it's totally doable! And the plus side is that I was able to walk around right after I had her and didn't have to worry about coming off drugs, which meant I got to shower immediately!
After she was born, I got to hold her and do skin to skin and nurse her, all before they got us in a real room. In between that time, the nurses were so nice and the doctor finally showed up just in time to deliver the placenta. The head nurse told me that there has only been 1 other lady who has delivered in the exam room, haha! Add me to the list ;)! Thankfully, I didn't tear, so I was able to walk to the real room and carry Molly :). Everyone was so nice and it really was just a great experience.
Once they got us in the room, my Mom and Camylle were able to come in the room and see Molly for the first time! Camylle was so excited and super cute about it all! She kept saying stuff like "Gotta be gentle", "Mommy she's not in here anymore (pushing on my stomach), she's right here :)". Camylle is so nurturing and sweet to Molly and even to this day we haven't had any big problems or jealousy issues. Another answer to prayer! After all the meet and greets, they finally weighed and measured little Molly. She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Perfection!
Naming Molly:
I'm still baffled at how people can name their baby months in advance! Forrest and I had our top picks for some time and surprisingly enough, we didn't pick either one. Naming a person for life is stressful! I mean, it's the name they are going to have for the rest of their life and what if you pick a name and they totally don't even look like that name once they are born?
Well, just like with Camylle, Molly didn't get named till we were about to check out of the hospital! This was my indecisive brain, "Yeah that's her name....is it her name?....let me read the baby name book one more time...no not that name....wait yes that name...umm I think she looks like that name...yeah maybe not...wait yes!". Hahaha poor Forrest would have named her right after she was born if only I could have made up my mind!
A few days before her birth, I made a new list of names and then went over the list with Forrest and we picked the ones we liked the most. The name Molly was on our new list and as I was contemplating if it was the "one" and writing it out like a hundred times, our nurse came in the room. This was the nurse who had delivered me and she was so sweet! As soon as she came in the room, Camylle kept asking her over and over "what's your name? hey! hey! what's your name?". So, the nurse sweetly turned to her and said my name is Molly! Her name was MOLLY! It was a sign! So then I told the nurse that we were still deciding on a name but that we were pretty sure we would name her Molly! She told me her name was really Mahlee, it's Thai, but that everyone pronounced it wrong so she's been called Molly her whole life. I thought it was pretty cool and took it as a sign that we were suppose to name her Molly :)!
Her middle name is a name I've always loved and one Forrest really liked too. But the one thing that makes it extra special is that the name, Isabelle, is Molly's great-great-grandmother's name :). Molly Isabelle Hull.
7 pounds 4 onces |
Proud Daddy! |
Watching Molly getting weighted and measured :). |
The tiny exam room where Molly was born! |
The head nurse, Mahlee, that delivered Molly!! |
Seeing baby sister for the first time! |
First fam bam pic |
Holding Molly for the first time. |
Grandma and Molly :). |
"Yay, I a BIG SISTER!!!" |
Loving on my sweet baby girl! |
Molly's first little sponge bath. |
Granddaddy and Babby |
The most peaceful little sleeper :). |
All bundled up to go HOME! |
"Daddy, I got it, OK!" haha such a little helper! |
First night home as a family :). |
The first month:
We are beyond blessed with the sweetest little girl ever! She is so good. Seriously sooooo good! I think God was testing our patience and capacity to lean on His strength with Camylle because as a baby she was extra needy, cried all the time and never slept....never! I thought the dark circles under my eyes would never go away, haha! I remember praying to God, during this pregnancy, asking Him to please give me a calm baby that would sleep. All I got to say is, God answers prayers! Molly is a wonderful little sleeper, a great eater and is so calm!
Forrest was able to get 10 days paternity leave and my mom stayed 3 weeks after Molly's birth, so I had lots of help with Molly and Camylle. Like I said, Molly is such a great baby so it's really all been a piece of cake. She eats about every 2-3 hours, unless we're out in town, in that case she'll sleep the whole time and wake up once we get home so she can eat. She takes a few naps during the day, which allows me to get some stuff done around the house. I've been so blessed that one of Molly's naps overlaps with Camylle's nap, so I do actually get to have complete peace and quiet for a bit, yay!
Getting ready for the pool! |
Hey guys, I'm a week old! |
Sister snuggle time! |
Photo shoot time! |
So in love! |
Kisses for Molly before her baby dedication. |
Dedicating our sweet baby girl to our Lord and Savior! |
Grandmas and babies! |
Granddaddy and Daddy loving on Molly! |
She's an angel! |
Getting crazy at the Hull house! |
Big Sister & Little Sister. |
Sister story time |
Hang time with Grandma at the splash park! |
Haha I love her expression in this one! |
Silly girls! |
Do these moments get more precious than this?! |
Mommy & Daughter pic |
First big fam bam outing to the Watermelon Festival! |
Sisters in their Sunday bests! |
Molly's first month well check-up went great! She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and the doctor said she was alert and responsive. When she was born, she had a little case of jaundice and they have been keeping an eye on it ever since we checked out. So at this doctor's appointment they said her levels were a little better but to still keep an eye on it. She has finally lost that little yellow tinge and I'm sure it will all be a thing of the past once we have her 2 month check up. So other than that it went really good.
Molly has already had her first road trip! She's driven through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida! Forrest had 2 weeks of block leave so we were able to meet with almost all his family in Alabama and have a little fam bam vaca in Florida. Molly got to meet grandparents, great-grandparents, her aunt & uncles, great-aunts and uncles, cousins, second cousins and friends! Phew, that's a lot of social time for someone so tiny :)!
Cousin pic! |
The cutest little thing that she just started doing is cooing! Ooooo I wish you could hear her precious little baby voice! Sweetest sound ever! We will make "ooo" and "aaahh" sounds to her and then her eyes get really big and then she will respond with her little coos! Camylle loves cooing back and forth with Molly! It's basically the sweetest part of my day :)!
She has attempted to roll over but is only half successful. Don't grow up too fast little Molly! I think I'll just hold her forever so she doesn't grow up ;)!
Last night was the first night that she slept in her crib. Up until now she's been close to us in the snuggle nest but we decided it was time for her to transition. The girls are sharing a room which I know will be great but I was kinda nervous about the first night. Camylle will wake up sometimes in the middle of the night saying she's scared, so I thought that if Molly started making noise that it would maybe scare Camylle. Molly only woke up twice that night but the second time did scare Camylle so I ended up finishing up the night in her bed cause she wouldn't go back to bed. So an hour and a half later in the middle of the night, I was able to sneak out of her bed and back into my comfy sheets! I'm hoping Molly sleeps good again tonight and that Camylle doesn't get scared. I'm sure it will go fine, optimistic!
Molly is an amazing little baby girl and such a precious blessing. We are so thankful for all your love and support and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers as we get ready for Forrest's deployment. We are thankful that Forrest was able to be home for Molly's birth and for her first couple months of life! He is set to deploy sometime in September. We are really trying to soak every minute we can together as a family before he leaves. I am praying that this month goes really slow and that the next 9 months go by really fast.
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summer! Camylle turns 3 next week so I'm sure I will have a new blog up soon, so stay tuned! Lots of love!
Love this!!! Thanks for sharing!