I'm getting a little behind on my updates so bare with me as I overload you with too many pictures!
Saturday, the 2nd, was a whirlwind of excitement for us! The day started off with a very special baby shower that my two dear friends, Connie and Tracy, gave me! Everyone was so sweet to come and help celebrate our soon-to-be baby girl and shower us with amazing gifts! It was wonderful to spend time with my MOPS and bible study friends all at once!
Amazing baby shower food! |
My dear friend Tracy who helped host the shower! |
"Dirty" diaper guessing game, haha! |
Miss Inspector Gaget ;)! |
Sweet Emily won the game :)! |
The most adorable girly baby caddy ever!! |
Mrs Lisa won the game too!! |
Absolutely precious homemade baby onesie ever! |
Baby denim! To die for! |
Baby Grace, Hannah, Mrs Lisa, me and Mia :)! |
My EOD besties :)! |
My amazing hostesses, Connie and Tracy! |
Thank you both for an amazing baby shower!! |
27 weeks! |
Yay, 3rd trimester!!! I'm almost done! |
As soon as the baby shower was over, I rushed home to finish packing some last minute camping stuff and then watched Forrest as he loaded the car ;)! Pregnant woman shouldn't be lifting, right?!? I'm milking it for what it's worth :D! We have been so blessed to meet two amazing couples who have become near and dear to our hearts and who were great camping buddies! Victoria & Nick and Lauren & Andrew met up at our house and then we all ventured together out to Blackwater River! It was only about 45 mins away and was a really nice campsite!
Florida camping is definitely different from Alaska camping. They actually had bathrooms with showers and they were heated! Ah-maZING! And we didn't have to worry about moose or bears getting into our food (or attacking us), just had to worry about things like snakes and raccoons! Haha not to say that those frisky little critters aren't something to be fearful of! It was pretty chilly out (I'm sure my AK family/friends are laughing as it's still mega cold there) but it did get down to 34 that night! It was kinda nice though cause that meant that I could actually bust out a few of my winters clothes and was able to sit by the camp fire and enjoy the cozy flames instead of overheating from the FL heat.
It was Camylle's first time camping and she LOVED it! I made her a special sleeping bag made from polar fleece and explained to her all about what camping was, so by the time we actually got out there and starting pitching the tent, she already knew what was up and was totally excited about it all!
Setting up camp! |
Of course, our tent is orange :). |
Helping Ms Lauren set up their tent! |
Victoria, this picture cracks me up! |
Fam bam camping pic! |
Daddy helping Lil C with her fishing pole :). |
She caught a fish! |
Lauren and I! |
Forrest and Nick getting real serious about their marshmellows! |
Nothing like a good camp fire! |
Blurry but still cute. She was getting sleepy! |
Andrew & Lauren. "hey guys where's my headlamp??" haha! |
Silly girl! |
Snuggling in Ms Victoria's tent. |
Good morning Blackwater River! |
Our 1st family camping trip was a success!! |
We had a great time on our camping adventure with wonderful friends! It's been so much fun soaking up all the fun things to do in the area before we head off to Louisiana.
On another note, Forrest had his 27th birthday on March 5th! Camylle and I made him a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting! Yummmmmm! Camylle was really excited to sing him happy birthday and when he was opening his gifts she kept saying "Whhhaaaattt?!?! Daddy look!", haha she was cracking us up!
Aside from adventures and birthday celebrations we are getting ready for our big move! I still can't believe that our movers will be here this Friday and that the following Friday (22nd), Forrest will officially be an EOD technician!! He took his last test a couple days ago and got 100%! Today he got his overall class average and he 3rd in his class with an average score of 97! I'm so proud of him and everything he's accomplished and just can't wait to celebrate all his hard work in just 2 weeks!
I'm not sure how many blogs I'll be able to squeeze in before the movers take our computer but I'll try my best to keep you posted with updates and pictures! XOXO
PS. In the right column I added a "Follow by email" insert, where you can plug in your email address and get notified when I post new blogs :)!